Interactive Displays Facilitate Active Learning in Schools

Studies have repeatedly shown that active learning is the most effective method for all types of young learners.

Interactive displays are a great tool to facilitate active learning in the classroom that teachers can easily incorporate and shape their lessons around.

Features of an interactive display

The defining features of an interactive display vary among industries. While classrooms require trusty tools for hands-on learning, corporate users particularly look for device compatibility and flexible ways to present.

In general, interactive displays are powered by a built-in operating system that offers all the functions of a TV-sized tablet. These tend to include an internet browser, a media player, whiteboarding software and annotation tools, as well as other apps.

Interactive displays usually come out of the box with speakers and microphones. Most also support both wired and wireless screen sharing for presentations, and can often be paired with peripherals like webcams to enable videoconferencing.

Difference between an interactive screen and an interactive display

Vaguely defined by a varying collection of features, interactive displays go by many names. Among these is interactive screen, more redundantly known as an interactive touch screen.

Interactive screen and interactive display are terms that technically refer to the same type of device and can be used interchangeably. However, they often describe screens used for different purposes and in different scenarios.

Interactive screen is a broad term for panels made interactive through any type of touch technology. It can apply to anything from the small touchscreens on office copy machines to the large interactive panels used in places like exhibition halls.

Interactive displays, on the other hand, most commonly refer to large-scale panels that are anywhere from 55 to 98 inches. These screens tend to detect touch in a manner that feels natural and intuitive to the user.

As interactive displays are primarily designed for classrooms and meeting rooms, they come equipped with tools that enable content sharing, presentations, and group discussions.

Om Prakash Parihar

Intra-Tech interactive flat panel displays are ideal for teachers and students alike, providing an immersive learning experience that helps to keep everyone engaged and focused. With competitive interactive flat panel display prices and a commitment to delivering the highest quality products, We can trust Intra-Tech to provide the best possible solutions for your educational needs.